Monday, September 26, 2011


The rays of sunshine are no longer as direct, giving the greened-up hay fields and lawns that unique glow that only happens in the spring and fall.  Cool mornings, leaves changing color, sweet corn is over and the first broccoli picked: yes, Fall is here!  The Lord has blessed us with much needed rain over the past several weeks for which we are very grateful.  Being too busy with other things means there are more weeds in the broccoli field than should be there, but the crop looks pretty good.  The wonder of the seasons always amazes me.  The sweet corn, tomatoes, and other crops that love the heat of summer wither and die as fall approaches, but the broccoli, romanesco, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage flourish in the cooler weather.  So with the season, our diet must change too.  The yellow of corn, the red of tomatoes, the green of beans on the table is replaced by the green of broccoli and the orange and yellow of winter squash.  What wonderful bounty and diversity we enjoy!  God is truly good to us.

I have added a few pictures of some of the sights and activities of the last few months.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sweet Corn!

Sweet corn season is in full swing.  Customers keep telling me it's some of the best corn they have ever had- which is part of the reason I keep growing it.  It is always nice to be appreciated:)  It is also time for planting the fall cole crops i.e. brussels sprouts, romanesco, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.  The heat and dry weather have made the last few weeks a challenge.  It is hard to get things growing and keep things growing when the temp is near 100 and no rain.  I hope to post a few pictures soon. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

spring is springing

Spring is quite under way- with surplus moisture, for this year at least.  Last year we were very dry at this time.  The Lord knows what we need and always provides.  The canola bloom is now over and the seed pods are developing.  Most of the first cutting of hay has been made and the field corn is just peeking through.  With sweet corn about a foot tall and customers at the Harrisonburg Farmers Market asking for it, we are eager for the first ripe ears.  Now we need to catch up on a number of things that have been neglected the past months and get a few more things in order for the up coming vegetable marketing season.  With plans for a roadside stand this year, there are a few more things to think about and prepare for. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

new blog

A new web presence.... Hopefully this site will be informative for anyone interested in Portwood Acres. We specialize in Sweet Corn, Broccoli/Romanesco and now, unrefined Canola Oil.  I will be trying to update and set things up over time.  Have patience with me.