Monday, March 17, 2014

Where is spring?

It seems as though winter wants to keep it's icy grip around us reminding us that it is not yet spring.  The daffodils are pushing up and the grasses are greening up and now all have again been blanketed with snow.  The cows and I are both eager and a bit anxious to enjoy lush pastures again.

As of last September, we began making cheese to sell.  In November, customers at the Harrisonburg Farmers Market had the first opportunity to give it a try.  I've been pleased with the response and feedback.
Why cheese?  We love cheese. We also believe that raw grassfed dairy products are both delicious and healthful.  While it is not legal to directly sell raw milk in VA, raw milk cheese that has been aged at least 60 days is allowed. The main reason that we operate the dairy as  100% grass (no grain) is for our own use.  Research is continuing to reveal that milk from grass fed cows has higher levels of important fatty acids.  Our farm is also certified Organic and that mean no artificial hormones or pesticides are used.

For the milk to be its very best, the plants the cows are eating must be healthy.  For the plants to be healthy, the soil they are growing in must healthy.  We are making substantial investments in trying to regenerate our soils so that the food we produce is what our bodies really need.

While we still have cheese to sell that was made last fall, cheese making is on hold at this point until the cows are again consuming the all important green grass that puts the yellow goodness back in the milk.

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, Winter and Summer, and day and night shall not cease."  Genesis 8:22

That's all for now.....

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